Mock Election Candidates

This year students will be voting for candidates for the House of Representatives. How to find your District and candidate information can be found below.

  • Meet The Candidates

    It is important for voters to be knowledgeable about the candidates. The New Jersey Student Mock Election is providing this partial guide to make it easier for teachers and students to find information about the candidates in their district.
    • The League of Women Voters offers VOTE411. Enter your address for your school’s address tofind information about the candidates in your district. The League of Women Voters asked candidates to answer a series of questions, but not all candidates responded, something students may want to take into consideration as they evaluate the candidates.
    • Ballotpedia offers a similar site. Again, enter your school’s address for candidate information andpossible web sites, however the links are often more available for incumbents. Some of the links are campaign sites, and students are cautioned that they are therefore partisan and they should exercise good media literacy skills. In addition, political campaigns often ask for donations. Students are NOT to donate to campaigns, but simply use the sites for research.
    • A third possible option is the non-partisan, mostly volunteer site The Voter’s Self Defense System -Vote Smart
    The New Jersey Center for Civic Education offers teachers the following presentation from their Media Literacy workshop to inform their classroom instruction. Media literacy has become essential for informed voting, and teachers are encouraged to reinforce these skills with their students.

    A copy of the official list of candidates from the New Jersey Department of State, Division of Elections is provided below. The candidates for each district are listed in the order they appear on the official New Jersey ballot. A (*) indicates the candidate is an incumbent.

    General Assembly Candidates 2023

    State Senate Candidate 2023
  • Find Your Districts

    Find Your Legislative District By Municipality
    New Jersey Legislature – Districts by Number (

    Find Your Congressional District
    Find Your Representative (